SMS Marketing Channels

SMS lifting email and social media channels

In today’s multi-device using age, there’s no one “best” way to get your message out there. Unfortunately, we’re now dealing with email, social media, apps, SMS, and a whole bunch of other platforms that are compatible with myriad devices – smartphones, phablets, tablets, laptops and smart glasses. One size simply won’t fit all.

Fortunately, it also means that there are a lot of options available. And of course, the more options, the better. But yes – utilising all these different platforms and devices can be tricky. It all depends on you and your business. What’s true all around the board, however, is that the more ways in which you’re trying to reach people, the better. And more importantly – that all of your different efforts complement each other.

I say that for a whole bunch of reasons. As an example, let’s take a look at email campaigns, and how something like SMS marketing can lend its helping hand.

SMS Marketing and Email

Sending an email campaign out to the databases you’ve collected is great. There’s no doubt that email campaigns are effective, and usually quite cheap too. But if email is the only method you’re using to get your message out there, chances are that your effort will fall flat on its face.

Not all people are going to check their email. Many of your emails might even end up in your customers’ spam folder. If you really, really want people opening up the information you’ve sent them, and all the weight of this coming to fruition rests solely on the shoulders of your email, you’re bound to be disappointed.

To counteract this, you could easily send your email base a simple SMS reminding them about what’s in their email inbox. Considering that 90% of SMS are opened within 3-minutes of delivery, it’s not a bad idea. Alternatively, you could inspire that SMS with the same information contained in the email, thereby creating another touch point for your customers. This way, the two marketing avenues complement each other directly.

SMS Marketing and Social Media

Email and SMS is one of the more common ways in which SMS can complement other marketing strategies. But it definitely doesn’t stop there.

Most businesses are on at least two or three different social media platforms. Similarly, most businesses these days usually have some form of blog, either in their website or linked close-by.

What if you used SMS to send people who’ve shared or liked one of your blog posts to say a simple, Thank you? Or if you used SMS to direct your customers to an Instagram competition you’re holding? Or an SMS to follow you on Twitter and receive a 20%-off coupon for their next purchase. There are countless ways that SMS can be implemented to integrate with your social media efforts.

One of the key things to remember is that all of your marketing endeavours have to complement one another, keep consistent, and work together. Whether you’re using SMS or whatever else to meet this end isn’t important; the important thing is that it’s met.