Campaign flop tips

How to keep your SMS strategy on track

Rule 1: Grammar and spelling are important

We live in the age of LOL, BRB, OMG, GTG, #everything, #canuevnreaddis?

So it’s no surprise than when businesses create SMS marketing campaigns, they often fall into the trap of using SMS-speak in the messages they send.

In other words, they create unreadable (read: horrible) campaigns.

Considering that SMS campaigns are limited to 160 characters, it’s understandable how this can happen.

It’s hard to get across all the right information in such a short space. I get that. I really do. Replacing txt for text is fine. But please, leave the YOLOing for Justin Bieber. And do your best to use language that your 87-year-old grandmother would understand.

Remember, you represent a business. That you’re communicating with someone via SMS doesn’t change this point.

Which brings me to my next rule…

Related: How To Track SMS Campaigns In Google Analytics

Rule 2: Make your texts short, sharp, and clear

There’s usually no need to include a lot of text in your SMS campaign. You’re sending an SMS message, not an image-spangled email.

In fact, if you are using a lot of text, that’s probably a good sign that your SMS content needs revising. You’re not writing a dissertation on Shakespearian nuance. You are, to reiterate, sending a text message.

The most effective campaigns include information that calls customers to action. Strong, short, active verb-phrases are the way to go: ‘click here’, ‘reply to’, ‘call this number,’ etc.

You want your customers to do something. Give them something to do. And keep your directions terse.

Rule 3: Make it worth their while

While you’re at it, here’s another thing to think about: if you’re going to give your customers something to do, make doing that thing worth their while.

You’re dealing with people, modern people, modern people who live in a world of white noise consumerism. If you’re not giving your customers a reason (and a bloody good reason!) to do something, you’re going to do the opposite and alienate them.

By sending your clients a text message, you are inviting yourself into their personal mobile space. Be a good guest and add some value to your stay.

The most effective campaigns put their customers first. Not just on some misleading and superficial level, but in a real, tangible way.

If you’re having a 20%-off sale in store, which you hold every week, why would your customers take as much notice? On the other hand, if you’re going to give them a $30-voucher for their next purchase, that’s a different story.

Always remember (especially when you’re drafting up your SMS campaign): your customers are what matter most. Keep them happy. That way, everybody wins.