How To Build Brand Loyalty With SMS Marketing

One of the biggest challenges for any business is building brand loyalty. It is difficult enough to draw first-time customers in, but it is just as important to keep customers coming back for repeat purchases. Creative marketing strategies with a personal touch can help you build a strong connection with your customer, encouraging them to shop with you again.

One of the most effective ways to do this is through an SMS marketing campaign. In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can use SMS marketing to build brand loyalty and why it is such an effective medium.

Why is brand loyalty important?

One mistake that many companies make is focusing entirely on new customers and not engaging enough with existing ones. However, many consumers like to be loyal to certain brands and will continue to make purchases with them on an ongoing basis. These repeat customers can make up a significant part of your customer base and will often be some of the first people to try new products.

Brand loyalty is also very important because loyal customers will often recommend your brand to other people. In fact, 81 percent of customers trust recommendations from friends and family the most. This means that loyal customers can actually serve as a very effective marketing tool for growing your business in the long term.

In order to build brand loyalty, customers will need to feel a sense of attachment and identification with your brand. While building a great product is one part of this, you’ll also need to provide helpful customer service and connect with them on a more personal level with your marketing strategies.

How can SMS marketing build brand loyalty?

There are many different ways you can use SMS marketing to build your brand loyalty. Here are some of the most popular and effective strategies for engaging with loyal customers via SMS.

Loyalty Programs

One way that you can increase your brand loyalty is through a formal loyalty program. These programs give customers points every time they shop with your business, which they can then redeem for rewards. Many loyalty programs will also offer exclusive products or events specifically for their members.

SMS messaging is a very effective way to manage your loyalty program. When customers initially make a purchase, you can give them the option to enter their phone number. Then, you can send a welcome text telling them about the points they have received and giving them the chance to opt-in for future messages. You can then use SMS marketing on an ongoing basis to let users know when they’ve earned more points or when they are eligible for rewards.

Business Updates

Text messages are also a great way to keep existing customers in the loop about everything that is going on with your business. You can let them know when you are launching new products, having a sale, or hosting an event. It is easy to put links directly in your text messages that send customers directly to your website for more information.

Many people will forget about a brand after they have made a purchase if they don’t receive any communications from them. Sending informative text messages like this can remind consumers why they like your brand and give them an easy way to reconnect. To engage customers even further, consider personalising your messages with their name. Personalised text messages are very friendly and can help customers feel appreciated.

Follow-Up Messages

Another strategy that can be very effective is sending a follow-up message to your customers after they have made a purchase or used your services. This gives them an opportunity to provide helpful feedback, and your team can address any problems that come up. Follow-up messages show your customers how valuable they are and creates a great customer service experience that they are likely to remember.

These are just a few popular SMS marketing strategies that have proven effective for building brand loyalty. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your marketing and develop strategies that are specific to your business.

What makes SMS marketing so effective

While there are many different kinds of digital marketing you can use to build brand loyalty, SMS marketing is particularly effective for a few reasons. SMS marketing is particularly effective because it reaches consumers very quickly. The majority of consumers open their text messages within five minutes of receiving them, whereas they can take hours or even days to receive an email or social media message. Open rates in total are much higher for text messages than they are for email marketing as well.

Additionally, text messages are a very simple and easy way to communicate information. They are short and easy for consumers to read, and you can add photos, graphics, links, and other forms of media as needed. This is in contrast to large blocks of text, which can be difficult to skim.

SMS marketing is very accessible for consumers, which can also make it feel a bit more personal than other forms of marketing. Many consumers use SMS messaging every day as part of their routine, so it feels very familiar. You also only need cell phone service to receive text messages - you don’t need to download any apps or have an internet connection available.

Technology makes it easy to automate your text message marketing strategy. You can use bulk SMS to send a large volume of text messages at one time to your customer base. It’s also very easy to integrate your text message strategy with other applications. You can even send personalised text messages based on information your customers have already given you.

It’s never too early to start using an SMS marketing strategy for your business. SMSGlobal offers comprehensive SMS services for your business that can help you build brand loyalty. With automated features and plenty of integrations with popular apps, you can customise your marketing strategy to suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you develop your SMS marketing strategy!