IDTagIt implementing SMS solutions
"Never gonna go out of fashion" - Tim Knowles, IDTagIt
Tim Knowles, CEO of lost and found company ‘IDTagIt’ sums SMS up perfectly. It truly is “Never gonna go out of fashion”, and it’s for this reason that he chooses SMS as the primary communication tool for his business.
Related: 5 savvy uses for SMS
IDTagIt’s business model is a unique one, aiming to solve the simplest of questions we ask ourselves everyday – “Where on earth is my....?!” The product is simple – a set of tags with a unique identification on it that customers stick to their valuables, or as Tim puts it, “anything that’s important to you that could potentially get lost”. From wallets, to keys, laptops to teddy bears, the tags are designed to stick onto anything.
It’s then just a matter of using the tags to connect customers with their lost property.
And that’s where SMS alerts come into the equation. Tim explains that in the business of lost and found, the process of reuniting customers with lost possessions needs to be as simple, seamless and swift as possible. “We all live in a now society, and SMS gives us a now response to our customers”. When an item is picked up, the power of SMSGlobal’s API integration technology kicks into action to deliver an SMS notification to the owner, streamlining the retrieval process for all parties involved. Tim talks about the importance of the straightforward method of communication, “SMS is known and understood by everybody. It has a longevity to it, it’s simplistic. Everybody can interact with it.”
“I wanted something dependable, reliable, something that does what it’s supposed to do when it’s needed to, and that’s what SMSGlobal’s SMS gateway does for us. It just ticks all the boxes.” – Tim Knowles, CEO IDTagIt
As the “most stable and most secure method” of getting information out to customers, SMS has become a seamless part of the business model at IDTagIt. “It works like clockwork, and that’s what I want. Something that just sits in the background and does what it does when it needs to. Our IT guys weaved it into the backend of our system and now, it just comes into play when somebody loses something.
IDTagIt has been using the power of SMS to connect people with their lost property for over three years, and with its already documented success, has even greater plans for SMS in the future.
Cause losing stuff is never going to go out of fashion.