User Guidelines: Marketo

Connect with your audience by utilizing the flexible capabilities of SMSGlobal's API. Enhance your Adobe Marketing Cloud experience with our robust SMS integration for Marketo.

Design workflows to directly communicate with Leads and Contacts through business messaging. Schedule SMS, automate messages, and set up trigger responses to ensure you reach your customers at the perfect moment.

Related: Develop effortless SMS Campaigns with SMSGlobal’s Marketo API

This User Guideline provides the following information:

  • - Introduction to SMSGlobal's Marketo API
    • - Benefits of SMSGlobal
  • - Send SMS with Marketo
    • - SMS Marketing Features
  • - Install SMSGlobal's Marketo API
    • - Installation and Configuration
    • - How to set up a Webhook for Marketo
    • - Start sending SMS in Marketing Campaigns