10DLC for Application To Person SMS

Send SMS from a local dedicated number with A2P 10DLC

Bulk SMS campaigns, local number.

A2P 10DLC for compliant SMS communication

Send compliant SMS campaigns with a local dedicated number throughout the United States.

10DLC for A2P Messaging

What is Application to Person 10-Digit Long Code (A2P 10DLC)?

A2P text messaging is any business SMS sent from an online platform or application. Previously, traditional ten-digit mobile numbers were restricted to P2P (Person to Person) messaging. With new regulations in the US, businesses can now register SMS campaigns and send A2P messages from a standard local number—10DLC.

Why use A2P 10DLC?

10DLC is the new normal for A2P messaging

In the past, sending A2P messages in the US was limited to Short Code and Toll-Free virtual numbers. Now, you can send low-cost A2P SMS from a traditional US mobile number when you use Ten Digit Long Code (10DLC). Use a familiar and recognizable mobile number for your brand. Select from a variety of SMS use cases and register your campaign to start sending with A2P 10DLC.

Send enterprise SMS from an online gateway with A2P 10DLC, the new normal in the US.

SMS campaigns can be Mixed or Dedicated to accommodate your specific messaging needs.

Rest assured that your brand and SMS campaigns are fully compliant with TCR registration.

Cost-effective A2P messaging with robust reporting and message tracking capabilities.

Register for 10DLC

Submit your details to receive the 10DLC application form in your email.

Connect with your Audience locally

Send SMS campaigns from a local mobile number

Ten digit long codes look and feel like a typical mobile number. 10DLC provides a familiar number that your customers recognize and relate to. Make sure your customers know that they are receiving communication from a real person.

  • One-way and two-way SMS One-way and two-way SMS
  • Cost-effective virtual number alternative Cost-effective virtual number alternative
  • Manage and monitor SMS campaigns Manage and monitor SMS campaigns
  • A2P messaging capabilities A2P messaging capabilities
Optimize Communications for High Deliverability

Scale up communication—same number, better messaging.

While 10DLC is similar to existing long code, it uses a reliable messaging channel with throughput levels that suit A2P SMS campaigns sanctioned by mobile operators. For a trusted system and quality SMS engagement, AT&T and T-Mobile require companies to register their Brand and Use Case for current and future campaigns of local long code numbers.

  • Regulated and compliant campaigns Regulated and compliant campaigns
  • Sanctioned SMS and MMS use cases Sanctioned SMS and MMS use cases
  • Higher throughput and message volumes Higher throughput and message volumes
Compliant Text Messaging with TCR

A2P 10DLC for compliant SMS campaigns

The Campaign Registry (TCR) verifies brands and campaigns for 10DLC, allocating suitable throughput volumes according to each use case. Regulating CTIA best practices when sending SMS campaigns ensures industry regulations are followed and all parties involved send and receive the messages they opt-in to.

Register your SMS Campaigns for A2P 10DLC

What you need to know about registering your Brand and Use Case

Easy registration

Registering is simple — submit your Brand and Use Case information, and we’ll sort out the rest!

Two-step process

First register your Brand, and then register all of your campaign use cases for SMS and MMS.


Determining your overall throughput. Get verified and vetted for other use case options.

Mixed and Dedicated campaigns

Combine A2P 10DLC use cases with Mixed campaigns or separate them into Dedicated campaigns.


Once registered, use cases need to be approved by The Campaign Registry before you can start sending A2P 10DLC campaigns.

Standard use cases are automatically approved. Some Special use cases need to be verified or vetted before approval.

Standard Use Cases

  • Account Notifications Account Notifications
  • Customer Care Customer Care
  • Delivery Notifications Delivery Notifications
  • Fraud Alert Messaging Fraud Alert Messaging
  • Higher Education Higher Education
  • Marketing Marketing
  • Polling and Voting (non-political) Polling and Voting (non-political)
  • Public Service Announcement Public Service Announcement
  • Security Alert Security Alert
  • Customer Care Customer Care
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Mixed Mixed
  • Mixed Low Volume Mixed

Special Use Cases

  • Agents, Franchise, Local branches Agents, Franchise, Local branches
  • Charity Charity
  • Conversational Conversational
  • Emergency Emergency
  • Political Political
  • Social Social
  • Sweepstakes Sweepstakes
  • Carrier Exemptions Carrier Exemptions
  • Large CSP Trial Large CSP Trial
Frequently Asked Questions For 10DLC

Your 10DLC FAQs Answered

Addressing some of the common questions related to the new A2P 10DLC changes. For more information, visit the SMSGlobal Knowledge Base

  • What is A2P 10DLC?

    A2P 10DLC (Application to Person Ten Digit Long Code) is a system being introduced that enables businesses to send A2P messages over a sanctioned channel that is approved by US carriers.

  • What are the advantages of A2P 10DLC?

    A2P 10DLC allows for improved quality for message delivery as all messages are pre-approved and registered. This also means the traffic will be less prone to filtering by US carriers which was a common scenario with P2P messaging (Person to Person) in the past.

  • What do I have to do to send over A2P 10DLC?

    A2P 10DLC has already been activated on the Verizon network since 2019 with no additional requirements other than to procure your own 10DLC. However, both AT&T and T-Mobile have introduced registration requirements which users of 10DLCs would need to go through in order to start sending.

    Registration of both the user's Brand as well as their Use Case will need to be submitted to AT&T and T-Mobile for review and approval before messages can be sent. You can start this process by providing SMSGlobal with details relating to your Brand and Use Case.

  • What is a campaign use case?

    Carriers define a campaign as a messaging use case, which includes sending delivery notifications and security alerts, as well as marketing messages. Some brands will need to register one campaign use case, while others may have to register multiple. Talk to our Customer Success team for more information on Dedicated and Mixed campaigns, and the campaign use case options.

  • What is SMSGlobal's role in A2P 10DLC?

    SMSGlobal is an officially registered CSP (Campaign Service Provider) that facilitates the registration of a company’s brand and campaign(s). We submit this information to the TCR (The Campaign Registry) which was formed by US carriers to regulate the telecommunication industry for A2P 10DLC.

  • What if I send A2P 10DLC without registering my brand and campaign?

    The result will vary based on the operator, but AT&T has plans to block traffic that is not properly registered starting 1st of June. We recommend all customers who send over a 10DLC with SMSGlobal, have their brand and campaign registered to ensure reliable delivery of their messages.

    Note: Carriers have extended a 30-day grace period to ensure you have ample time to register your Brand and Use Case. We suggest you register as soon as possible to avoid any disruptions. Unregistered campaigns run the risk of messages going undelivered and being blocked.

  • Are there any costs to register my brand and campaign for 10DLC?

    The Campaign Registry has introduced costs to register brands and campaigns, and pricing varies by the operator. SMSGlobal may incorporate these costs into our standard 10DLC pricing. Please get in contact with us for more information regarding these costs as they are subject to change.

  • How long does the registration process take?

    Submitting your details only takes a few minutes. However, the time to get a brand and campaign approved typically takes 1-3 business days. This can be shortened or lengthened depending on whether we have all the information required and it is accurate.

  • What are the different A2P 10DLC message classes and allocated limits?

    The table below references the limitations imposed by US carriers based on the TCR Trust Score. Once a brand is registered and approved on the TCR, a score will be allocated based on various criteria related to that brand. The score will determine the throughput and limits available to that brand and campaign, and are preset by the US operators like AT&T and T-Mobile. Operators may change these in the future.

    Message ClassUse Case (Risk Level)Use Case ExamplesTrust scoreAT&T TPM (Text per minute)T-Mobile Daily Cap
    A/topStandard2FA OTP76 - 1003,600200,000
    B/topStandardMixed Marketing86 - 1003,600200,000
    C/high-midStandard2FA OTP51 - 7560040,000
    D/high-midStandardMixed Marketing66 - 8560040,000
    E/low-midStandard2FA OTP16 - 506010,000
    F/low-midStandardMixed Marketing26 - 656010,000
    T/lowBasic / UnregisteredLow volume mixed0 - 25122000
    SSpecialSocial EngagementTBD60,000TBD
    QSpecialPolitical MessagingTBD3,000TBD
  • When registering with TCR, what ‘Verticals’ can I choose from?
    • Agriculture Agriculture
    • Communication and Mass Media Communication and Mass Media
    • Construction and Materials Construction and Materials
    • Education Education
    • Energy and Utilities Energy and Utilities
    • Entertainment Entertainment
    • Financial Financial
    • Gambling and Lottery Gambling and Lottery
    • Government Government
    • Healthcare Healthcare
    • Hospitality and Travel Hospitality and Travel
    • Information Technology Information Technology
    • Insurance Insurance
    • Manufacturing Manufacturing
    • Non-Government Organization Non-Government Organization
    • Real Estate Real Estate
    • Retail Retail
  • Is MMS messaging affected by A2P 10DLC?

    Yes, MMS campaigns will also need to be registered with the TCR and US operators.

  • Is Canada also influenced by these regulation changes?

    No. Canada is currently not adopting the same rules and regulations as the USA for A2P 10DLC. Canadian operators may introduce their own A2P solution in the future.

  • Once I am verified, how can I send higher throughput?

    SMSGlobal can have your brand submitted for vetting through an external vetting partner. Brands that are vetted can have access to all standard use cases and potentially achieve higher messaging throughput.

Begin 10DLC Registration Process

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